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PhotonTranfer.com is a trusted community marketplace for companies, research institutions and individuals to accelerate technology transfer for light-based technologies.
Enhanced visibility for a low cost price will result in faster and better licences or assignments.
PhotonTransfer brings together the Right Partners, both businesses and scientists, to strengthen scientific ventures, ensure technology development and market entry.

 Adaptive optics systems
 Beam delivery systems
 Beam profilers
 Beam shapers and expanders
 Carbon dioxide
 CCD devices
 Chemical lasers
 CMOS devices
 Coatings and thin films
 Diffractive optics
 Disk lasers
 Dye lasers
 Fiber (non telecoms)
 Fiber (telecoms)
 Fibre lasers
 Frame grabbers
 Gas lasers
 Heatsinks and cooling equipment
 High-speed cameras
 Image processors
 Imaging systems
 Infrared sources
 Infrared/thermal imaging
 Integrating spheres
 IR optics
 Laser and LED characterization
 Laser crystals
 Laser Damage Testing
 Laser diodes
 Laser safety equipment
 Lifetime testing equipment
 Light-sensitive materials
 Low-light and single-photon counters
 Machine vision
 Microcavity lasers
 Mounts and positioning equipment
 MTF measurement
 Nonlinear optical materials
 Nonlinear optics
 Novel laser designs
 Optical amplifiers
 Optical choppers
 Optical frequency converters
 Optically-pumped lasers
 Optical sensors
 Optical spectrum analysers
 Optical testing equipment
 Optical waveguides, couplers
 Other cameras
 Polymers and organics
 Power and energy meters
 Power Supplies
 Quantum cascade lasers
 Radiometers and photometers
 Resonators and cavities
 Semiconductor materials and substrates
 Solid-state lasers
 Spatial filters
 Spatial light modulators
 Structured photonic materials
 Supercontinuum sources
 Superluminescent sources
 Terahertz sources
 Tunable lasers
 Ultrafast laser sources
 Ultrafast measurement systems
 Ultraviolet sources
 UV optics
 Wavefront analysis
 Wavelength meters
 Windows and prisms
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